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Saw 2/3 of a bad movie y'day. We said UNCLE before it ended

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:01 pm
by oaktonhokie
It wasn't awful, just so cliche'd.

The American was soooo cool. And way too pretty to be heterosexual, imo. Over the top cool. Makes james bond look like l'il abner.

The Russian was a brute, unsophisticated and ignorant of the real world.

The dish was....a dish. But right out of central casting and all the clichés applied there as well.

I think we were supposed to be charmed or enlightened or entertained by the fascinating byplay of the two main characters. East meets west. The natural competition between the two. The grudging respect that was sure to turn into a lasting friendship. Blahblahblah.

Maybe, probably, I dunno. Didn't wait that long. Left with about 40 minutes left in the movie.

There is a car chase scene early on. In what is supposed to be east berlin in 1963, I think. It looked like two stunt drivers manipulating their cars to ballroom dance together. C'mon...

If you're 14, either chronologically or emotionally, you'll love it.